2 Examples of Ethos: "And what I have been thinking in the weeks leading up to this weekend is very simple: "Thank you, God, that I have a job." May more of us be able to say those words on Labor Day 2014." he writer's character is expressed by saying that she is a working class citizen who contributes to this country. She knows what its like to work.
"What is needed now is a political leader on fire about all the possibilities, not one who tries to sound optimistic because polls show optimism is popular but someone with real passion about the idea of new businesses, new inventions, growth, productivity, breakthroughs and jobs, jobs, jobs." This is an example of what the speaker believes in. These are the principles she stands by. She is trying to get her audience of pumped by saying there is still hope for this great country, we just need to vote for better politicians who care about American jobs. By doing this, the audience is more willing to be on her side and appeal to her character and ethics.
2 Examples Pathos: "To today: I've been thinking about the big bad stories of the summer, the cultural ones that disturb people. The sick New York politician who, without apparent qualms, foists his sickness into the public sphere again. The kids who kill the World War II vet because they're bored. The kids who kill the young man visiting from Australia because they too are bored, and unhappy, and unwell. The teacher who has the affair with the 14-year-old student, and gets a slap on the wrist from the judge. The state legislator who's a sexual predator, the thieving city councilor and sure, the young pop star who is so lewd, so mindlessly vulgar and ugly on the awards show." I included this whole paragraph because the speaker is trying to stir up the audience's emotions. By mentioning pop culture and other news, we can relate to where she is coming from. She mentions that this doesn't shock us anymore, we are used to it. She said all these terrible things might be what we consider ourselves as Americans. The speaker says we shouldn't stoop that low. We need to think better of ourselves and have hope for change, that we can change things.
"Conservatives have been concerned about our culture for at least a quarter-century." This is the speaker trying to convince you to come to her side. The speaker, being a Conservative, says that the Conservatives have been trying to address this issue for a long time. By saying this, we get the feeling that they are the good guys. We are swayed by our emotions and feel bad for the Conservatives, who have been trying to help us out all along, and the liberals were the ones to get in the way.