2: The author uses Irony at the end of the article. After he rants about how much he hates the #, he end his article with "#FML". This is something that is supposed to make the audience chuckle a little.He also appeals to pathos in a way. His complaining might and constant references to other uses of the # and why it is stupid might reel in some of the audience to his side.
3: The use of the # by the author detracts the purpose of the article. If he were to use it sparingly, it would be ok. Using it multiple times in the article makes the audience believe that the issue is not that big of a deal. He used the #s sarcastically, but too much.
4: A large majority of the audience disagrees with the author. Some claim it to be a very opinionated article, while other bring up some interesting points. "Just dropped my girl off at GameStop shes gonna bey me Call of Duty cause were both high LOL #winning" This example was used by the author to explain why he doesn't get why they put the #winning at the end. One commenter brought up a good point. The example has many uses of slang and lack of punctuation. Like "gonna", "bey", "cause", and the lack of punctuation. The commenter argues that the # shouldn't be the reason the English Language is going down the trash. It's the spelling, grammar, and punctuation that should be our number one priority.
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