Sunday, October 13, 2013

Monday Matters #7

 Rick Reilly talks about the issues with changing the names of sporting teams due to the offensive names towards certain races, mainly Native American. Also he discusses the views from multiple sources. He also explains why he thinks Andrew Luck is one of the best quarterbacks this season and why e thinks Luck will become one of the great quarterbacks. After reading all these articles, Rick Reilly views society is ill informed  and close minded. The issue with the sports team names, Reilly shows that most Native Americans actually have no problem with the names. Yet, the people pushing for the name changes are mostly white. Why is this so? Whites feel as though they know that the names bother the Native Americans, so they feel it is their job to fix it. What they do not realize is that their facts are not accurate. If they had taken the time to see if the names actually offend people they would see that they do not. They are to close minded to act this way. Reilly proves his point with Luck with stats. How can you argue with stats? He explains that many people fail to do their research and claim Luck is not all he was said to be. Yet the facts argue that point to invalidity. Fans against Luck for any reason want to find any way, valid or invalid, to prove to themselves that Luck is not one of the elite quarterbacks. Close mindedness has clouded their rationality. In order to claim something as valid, we need to do some research before we blurt words out of our mouths that might not be true.

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