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This image properly illustrates what children need these days. In order for all these plans to improve the USA's educational system to work, they are going to need the cooperation and help of parents. Parents, as of recently, have had a hard time disciplining their children. These children grow up thinking they can do whatever they want and get away with it, so that is what they do. Growing up this way causes them to think that they cannot be told what to do or forced to do anything. They defy their parents and any other older figures. When they get into school, these children think if they do not have to listen to their parents, why should they listen to a teacher? Most of these children most likely are not too interested in doing well in school in the first place, and with the upbringing they had, they are set up to fail in school. The picture also shows a child pouting, which illustrates the idea of children defying their parents' scolds. The upbringing of a child plays an important role in their academic performance. We need to bring up children that see the value in education and want to strive to do their best on their own. We need children who want to invest in a successful future.
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