Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Matters #20


Angela Lee Duckworth was a management consultant and became what she believed was an even more demanding job, being a teacher. She taught seventh grade math and did everything a normal teacher would do like make tests and grade homework. She noticed her better students were not always the students with the highest IQ, and that some students with the highest IQ were not doing all too well in her class. She claims our educational system can measure IQ very well, but fails to promote the motivational side of learning. She then became a physiologist to figure out the keys to success. After studying many kids and adults in different settings, she concluded that "grit" was what many successful people had in common, not IQ. Passion and perseverance is what helped these people accomplish their long term goals. She backed up her claim with research she conducted in the Chicago Public School area, and it was successful. She ends with promoting "growth mindset" developed at Stanford University that tries to teach children about how to persevere through school and addresses that hard work can get you far.

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